Beyin, Omurilik ve Sinir Cerrahisi
"Hayatta en hakiki mürşit ilimdir." "Science is the only true guide in life." K. Atatürk
Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a congenital vascular anomaly in which the feeding arteries are directly connected to a venous drainage network without interposition of a capillary bed.

The main goal of treatment is to prevent hemorrhage, to control seizures or other neurological complications. The most appropriate treatment for your condition depends on your age, health, and the size and location of the brain AVM. AVMs can be treated by one or a combination of the following treatment modalities;
Microsurgical removal (resection)
Endovascular embolization
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)
Brain AVMs often have no symptoms until they rupture and hemorrhage. If the bleeding is severe, it can cause a stroke which is a life-threatening emergency. Migraine-like headaches and seizures are common symptoms, but most AVMs are actually asymptomatic, until a bleed occurs. Other neurological signs and symptoms can occur including;
Problems with memory, vision or speech
Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body